Find a Fundamental Solution to an Ivp
Higher-Order Differential Equations
Martha L. Abell , James P. Braselton , in Differential Equations with Mathematica (Fourth Edition), 2016
4.5.1 Second-Order Equations
Let be a fundamental set of solutions for equation y″ + p(t)y′q(t)y = 0. To solve the nonhomogeneous equation y″ + p(t)y′ + q(t)y = f(t), we need to find a particular solution, y p of equation y″ + p(t)y′ + q(t)y = f(t). We search for a particular solution of the form
A particular solution, y p , is a solution that does not contain any arbitrary constants.
where u 1 and u 2 are functions of t. Differentiating equation (4.13) gives us
Observe that it is pointless to search for solutions of the form y p = c 1 y 1 + c 2 y 2 where c 1 and c 2 are constants because for every choice of c 1 and c 2, c 1 y 1 + c 2 y 2 is a solution to the corresponding homogeneous equation.
Assuming that
results in y p ′ = u 1 y 1′ + u 2 y 2′. Computing the second derivative then yields
Substituting y p , y p ′, and y p ″ into the equation y″ + p(t)y′ + q(t)y = f(t) and using the facts that
(because y 1 and y 2 are solutions to the corresponding homogeneous equation, y″ + p(t)y′ + q(t)y = 0) results in
Observe that equations (4.14) and (4.15) form a system of two linear equations in the unknowns u 1′ and u 2′:
Applying Cramer's Rule gives us
where W(S) is the Wronskian, . After integrating to obtain u 1 and u 2, we form y p and then a general solution, y = y h + y p .
Summary of Variation of Parameters for Second-Order Equations
Given the second-order equation a 2(t)y″ + a 2(t)y′ + a 0(t)y = g(t).
- 1.
Divide by a 2(t) to rewrite the equation in standard form, y″ + p(t)y′ + q(t)y = f(t).
- 2.
Find a general solution, y h = c 1 y 1 + c 2 y 2, where S = {y 1, y 2 } is a fundamental set of solutions for the corresponding homogeneous equation, of the corresponding homogeneous equation y″ + p(t)y′ + q(t)y = 0.
- 3.
Let .
- 4.
Let and .
- 5.
Integrate to obtain u 1 and u 2.
- 6.
A particular solution of a 2(t)y″ + a 2(t)y′ + a 0(t)y = g(t) is given by y p = u 1 y 1 + u 2 y 2.
- 7.
A general solution of a 2(t)y″ + a 2(t)y′ + a 0(t)y = g(t) is given by y = y h + y p .
Example 4.5.1
Solve , y(0) = 0, y′(0) = 0, 0 ≤ t < π/6.
The corresponding homogeneous equation is y″ + 9y = 0 with general solution . Then, a fundamental set of solutions is and W(S) = 3, as we see using Wronskian.
fs={Cos[3t], Sin[3t]};wm={fs, D[fs, t]};wm//MatrixForm
Wronskian[fs, t]
We use equation (4.17) to find and .
u1=Integrate[−Sin[3t]Sec[3t]/3, t]u2=Integrate[Cos[3t]Sec[3t]/3, t]
It follows that a particular solution of the nonhomogeneous equation is
and a general solution is
Identical results are obtained using DSolve.
The negative sign in the output does not affect the result because C[1] is arbitrary.
DSolve[y"[t]+9y[t]==Sec[3t], y[t], t]
Applying the initial conditions gives us c 1 = c 2 = 0 so we conclude that the solution to the initial value problem is
sol=DSolve[{y"[t]+9y[t]==Sec[3t], y[0]==0, y′[0]==0}, y[t], t]
We graph the solution with Plot in Figure 4-25.
Figure 4-25. The domain of the solution is − π/6 < t < π/6
Plot[y[t]/.sol, {t, 0, Pi/6}, AxesLabel→{t, y}, PlotStyle->CMYKColor[0, 0.89, 0.94, 0.28]]
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Fluid Dynamics
Elaine S. Oran , Jay P. Boris , in Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology (Third Edition), 2002
II.E Nonequilibrium Gas Flows
The interactions of atoms, ions, and molecules in a gas or liquid may be described by a hierarchy of mathematical models, ranging from fundamental solutions of sets of elementary interactions of particles (such as molecular dynamics methods) to approximations of systems in which the individual particles are replaced by continuum fluid elements (such as the Navier-Stokes equations). In between these extremes, there are various levels of statistical and particle-based theories that account for the nonequilibrium or particulate nature of matter.
Gases may be characterized by the Knudsen number of the flow, defined as Kn = λ/L, the ratio of λ, the mean free path between molecular collisions, and L, the characteristic length of the system. When the value of Kn is typically less than 0.05 or even 0.1, that is, there are sufficient collisions between the molecules, we can assume that the gas behaves like a continuum fluid. In these cases, the Navier-Stokes equations are an excellent model of the physics, given the required input, initial, and boundary conditions. However, as Kn increases, averaging assumptions that produce the fluid approximation are not valid, and representing the gas as a continuum fluid becomes a poor approximation. Some account must then be taken of the nonequilibrium, or particle nature of the material.
There are now many applications of high Kn flows that are of practical scientific and engineering importance. Spacecraft reentry into planetary atmospheres, the function of thrusters used on spacecraft to adjust orbits, and the behavior of out-gased plumes are all space-related problems involving high Kn gases. A variety of vapor-phase processing methods are used to produce thin films, and plasma-etching techniques are used to produce semiconductor components. These material processing applications also involve high Kn gases. In both space dynamics and materials processing, the densities of the gases are quite low (a few torr or less). However, in the relatively new development of microsystems, such as microelectro-mechanical systems (MEMS), gases that flow in micron-sized channels at relatively high densities (atmospheric pressure or higher) are still characterized by high values of Kn because of the very small size.
Statistically based Monte Carlo methods offer alternate approaches to the direct solution of such nonequilibrium flow problems. These approaches have been extremely successful for predicting the behavior of a wide range of nonequilibrium gas flows. Because of their computational simplicity, they are now being used extensively for atmospheric and space predictions, as well as for materials processing.
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Applications related to ordinary and partial differential equations
Martha L. Abell , James P. Braselton , in Mathematica by Example (Sixth Edition), 2022
6.2.4 Variation of parameters
Let be a fundamental set of solutions for Eq. (6.9). To solve the nonhomogeneous equation (6.8), we need to find a particular solution, of Eq. (6.8). We search for a particular solution of the form
A particular solution, , is a solution that does not contain any arbitrary constants.
Key concept: A general solution of the nonhomogeneous linear equation is , where is a general solution of the corresponding homogeneous equation, and is a particular solution of the nonhomogeneous equation.
where and are functions of t. Differentiating Eq. (6.14) gives us
Observe that it is pointless to search for solutions of the form where and are constants because for every choice of and , is a solution to the corresponding homogeneous equation.
Assuming that
results in . Computing the second derivative then yields
Substituting , , and into Eq. (6.8) and using the facts that
(because and are solutions to the corresponding homogeneous equation) results in
Observe that Eq. (6.15) and Eq. (6.16) form a system of two linear equations in the unknowns and :
Applying Cramer's Rule gives us
where is the Wronskian, . After integrating to obtain and , we form , and then a general solution, .
Example 6.15
Solve , , , .
The corresponding homogeneous equation is with general solution . Then, a fundamental set of solutions is and , as we see using Det, and Simplify.
We use Eq. (6.18) to find and .
It follows that a particular solution of the nonhomogeneous equation is , and a general solution is .
Absolute value is not needed in the antiderivatives, because we are restricting the domain to and on this interval.
Identical results are obtained using DSolve.
The negative sign in the output does not affect the result, because C[1] is arbitrary.
Applying the initial conditions gives us , so we conclude that the solution to the initial-value problem is .
We graph the solution with Plot in Fig. 6.18.
Figure 6.18. The domain of the solution is 0 ⩽t <π/6 (University of Kentucky colors).
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Answers to Selected Exercises
Martha L. Abell , James P. Braselton , in Introductory Differential Equations (Fourth Edition), 2014
Exercises 4.2
- 1.
y ″ = 0 has characteristic equation r 2 = 0 so r = 0 has multiplicity two. Two linearly independent solutions to the equation are y 1 = 1 and y 2 = t ; a fundamental set of solutions is S = {1,t}; and a general solution is y = c 1 + c 2 t.
- 3.
y ″ + y′ = 0 has characteristic equation r 2 + r = 0, which has solutions r 1 = 0 and r 2 = −1. Two linearly independent solutions to the equation are y 1 = 1 and y 2 = e−t ; a fundamental set of solutions is S = {1,e−t }; and a general solution is y = c 1 + c 2e−t .
- 5.
y = c 1e−6t + c 2e−2t .
- 6.
6r 2 + 5r + 1 = (3r + 1)(2r + 1) = 0 so r 1 = −1/3 and r 2 = −1/2. Thus, two linearly independent solutions to the equation are y 1 = e−t/3 and y 2 = e−t/2; a fundamental set of solutions is S = {e−t/3,e−t/2}; and a general solution is y = c 1e−t/3 + c 2e−t/2.
- 7.
y = c 1e−t/4 + c 2e−t/2.
- 9.
- 11.
- 13.
y = c 1e−t + c2e3t/7.
- 15.
y = c 1e3t + c 2 te3t .
- 17.
General: y = c 1 + c 2e t/3; IVP: y = −21(1 −e t/3).
- 19.
General: y = c 1e3t + c 2e4t ; IVP: y = 14e3t − 11e4t .
- 21.
General: y = c 1e5t + c 2e2t ; IVP: y = e5t .
- 23.
General: ; IVP: .
- 25.
General: y = e−2t (c 1 + c 2 t); IVP: y = e−2t (1 + 5t).
- 27.
General: ; IVP: .
- 29.
- 31.
- 33.
y = 9e−t/3 − 8e−t/2.
- 35.
- 37.
(a) y = c 1 t 2/3 + c 2 t; (b) .
- 41.
, y = 0, .
- 43.
so ; y′ = 0 if ; For none, (b + a)(3a + b) ≤ 0 while for one, (b + a)(3a + b) > 0.
- 45.
(a) No (b) To be a general solution, a fundamental set for the equation is . Now substitute each of these functions into the differential equation and set the result equal to zero. Solve the resulting system for p(t) and q(t) to obtain p(t) = −2/t and q(t) = (t 2 + 2)/t 2.
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Higher Order Equations
Martha L. Abell , James P. Braselton , in Introductory Differential Equations (Fourth Edition), 2014
Solving Second-Order Equations with Constant Coefficients
Let ay ″ + by ′ + cy = 0 be a linear homogeneous second-order equation with constant real coefficients and let r 1 and r 2 be the solutions of the characteristic equation ar 2 + br + c = 0.
- 1.
If r 1≠r 2 and both r 1 and r 2 are real, a general solution of ay ″ + by ′ + cy = 0 is ; a fundamental set of solutions for the equation is .
- 2.
If r 1 = r 2, where r 1 is real, a general solution of ay ″ + by ′ + cy = 0 is ; a fundamental set of solutions for the equation is .
- 3.
If r 1 = α + iβ, β > 0, and , a general solution of ay ″ + by ′ + cy = 0 is ; a fundamental set of solutions for the equation is .
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Systems of Differential Equations
Martha L. Abell , James P. Braselton , in Introductory Differential Equations (Fifth Edition), 2018
6.3 An Introduction to Linear Systems
We first encounter systems of linear equations in elementary algebra courses. For example,
written in matrix form as
is a system of two linear equations in two variables with solution , which is written in matrix or vector notations using our convention as . In the same manner, we can consider a system of linear differential equations.
We begin our study of systems of linear ordinary differential equations by introducing several definitions along with some convenient notation. Let
Then, the homogeneous system of first order linear differential equations
is equivalent to
and the nonhomogeneous system
is equivalent to
For the nonhomogeneous system (6.11), the corresponding homogeneous system is system (6.9).
Example 6.14
(a) Write the homogeneous system in matrix form. (b) Write the nonhomogeneous system in matrix form.
Solution: (a) The homogeneous system is equivalent to the system .
With our notation,
(b) The nonhomogeneous system is equivalent to . □
The nth-order linear equation
The nth-order linear equation is discussed in Chapter 4.
discussed in previous chapters, can be written as a system of first-order equations as well. Let , , , …, , . Then, Eq. (6.12) is equivalent to the system
which can be written in matrix form as
Example 6.15
Write the equation as a system of first order differential equations.
Solution: We let and . Then,
so the second-order equation is equivalent to the system
which can be written in matrix form as
At this point, given a system of ordinary differential equations, our goal is to construct either an explicit, numerical, or graphical solution of the system of equations.
We now state the theorems and terminology used in establishing the fundamentals of solving systems of differential equations. All proofs are omitted but can be found in advanced differential equations textbooks. In each case, we assume that the matrix in the systems (Eq. (6.9)) and (Eq. (6.11)) is an matrix.
Definition 6.12 Solution Vector
A solution vector (or solution) of the system (Eq. (6.11)) on the interval I is an matrix (or vector) of the form
where the are differentiable functions that satisfy on I.
Example 6.16
Show that is a solution of .
Solution: Notice that and . Then, because , is a solution of the system. □
Theorem 6.2 Principle of Superposition
Suppose that , are m solutions of the linear homogeneous system (Eq. (6.9) ) on the open interval I. Then, the linear combination
where are arbitrary constants, is also a solution of .
Example 6.17
Show that and are solutions of .
Solution: We let the reader follow the procedure used in Example 6.16 to show that satisfies . By the Principle of Superposition, the linear combination of the two solutions (from Example 6.16) and is also a solution. We verify this now by first writing as . Then, and
Therefore, the linear combination of the solutions is also a solution. □
We define linear dependence and independence of a set of vector-valued functions in a manner similar as to how we defined linear dependence and independence of sets of real-valued functions. The set is linearly dependent on an interval I if there is a set of constants , , …, not all zero such that
otherwise, the set is linearly independent. (Note that 0 is the zero vector with the same dimensions as each of the , , 2, …, m.) As with two real-valued functions, two vector-valued functions are linearly dependent if they are scalar multiples of each other. Otherwise, the functions are linearly independent. For more than two vector-valued functions, we often use the Wronskian to determine if the functions are linearly independent or dependent.
Definition 6.13 Wronskian of a Set of Vector-Valued Functions
The Wronskian of is the determinant of the matrix with columns , , …, :
Theorem 6.3 Wronskian of Solutions
Suppose that
is a set of n solutions of the linear homogeneous system (Eq. (6.9) ) on the open interval I, where each component of is continuous on I. If S is linearly dependent, then on I. If S is linearly independent, then for all values on I.
Example 6.18
Verify that and are linearly independent solutions of .
Solution: In Examples 6.16 and 6.17 we showed that and are solutions of the system . Therefore, we calculate . The vector-valued functions are linearly independent because for all values of t. □
Definition 6.14 Fundamental Set of Solutions
Any set
of n linearly independent solutions of the linear homogeneous system (Eq. (6.9)) on an open interval I is called a fundamental set of solutions on I.
Example 6.19
Which of the following is a fundamental set of solutions for
(a) (b)
Solution: We first remark that the equation is equivalent to the system . (a) Differentiating we see that
which shows us that is not a solution of the system. Therefore, is not a fundamental set of solutions. (b) You should verify that both and are solutions of the system. Computing the Wronskian we have
Thus, the set is a set of two linearly independent solutions of the system and, consequently, a fundamental set of solutions. □
Show that any linear combination of and is also a solution of the system.
The following theorem implies that a fundamental set of solutions cannot contain more than n vectors, because the solutions would not be linearly independent.
Theorem 6.4
Any nontrivial solutions of are linearly dependent.
Finally, we state the following theorems, which state that a fundamental set of solutions of exists and a general solution can (theoretically) be constructed.
Theorem 6.5
There is a set of n nontrivial linearly independent solutions of .
Theorem 6.6 General Solution
Let be a fundamental set of solutions of on the open interval I, where each component of is continuous on I. Then every solution of is a linear combination of these solutions. Therefore a general solution of is
Thus Examples 6.16, 6.17, and 6.18 imply that is a general solution of .
Example 6.20
Given that and are solutions of , find a general solution of this equation.
Solution: To verify linear independence of these two solutions, we compute the Wronskian:
Hence, we have two linearly independent solutions of the equation, so a general solution is given by
Definition 6.15 Fundamental Matrix
Suppose that is a fundamental set of solutions of on the open interval I, where each component of is continuous on I. The matrix
is called a fundamental matrix of the system on I.
The theorems and definitions introduced in this section indicate that when solving an homogeneous system of linear first order equations, , we find n linearly independent solutions. After finding these solutions, we form a fundamental matrix that can be used to form a general solution or solve an initial value problem.
If is a fundamental matrix of the system , a general solution can be written as , where .
Thus, is a fundamental matrix for the system because each column vector of Φ is a solution of the system:
and because these two vectors are linearly independent
Example 6.21

Solution: Because
all three columns of Φ are solutions of the system. The solutions are linearly independent because the Wronskian of these three solutions is
A general solution of the system is given by
Example 6.22
Solution: In matrix form, the system is equivalent to that in Example 6.21 so a general solution is , , and . Application of the initial conditions results in , , and so , and and the solution to the initial value problem is , , and . □
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Polysplines on annuli in ℝ2
Ognyan Kounchev , in Multivariate Polysplines, 2001
8.6 The fundamental set of solutions for the operator Mk,p (d/dv)
The main point here is that the operator Mk,p (d/dv) has constant coefficients and its set of fundamental solutions is simpler to describe. Indeed, for every λ j there are only two possibilities.
- •
The first is that λ j be a simple root of the equation
- •
The second possibility is that the root λ j is a double root, i.e.
Evidently, in order to obtain, for some k ≥ 0, the multiple root λ j of the polynomial Mk,p (z), the two sets of λ j in (8.8) have to overlap, which happens precisely if we have the inequality
i.e. if
By definition every fundamental set of solutions of equation
has exactly 2p linearly independent functions. We will be interested in those having the form e λ j v and ve λ j v . The above elementary arguments prove the following proposition.
Proposition 8.12
The function e λ j v belongs to if Mk,p (λ j ) = 0. The function ve λ j v belongs to if . So we have the following rigorous description of a basis of the set of solutions of the equation Mk,p (d/dv)w(v) = 0, namely
(see Figure 8.2, p. 112.)
Now let us return to the space of the solutions of the operator . By the discussion in the previous section based on formula (8.6), p. 111, we saw that by the inverse change the function e λ j v is mapped into r λ j and the function ve λ j v is mapped into log r · r λ j . Now Proposition 8.12 provides a full description of the space of solutions of equation Lp (k) u(r) = 0, as a linear hull of such terms.
In particular, for k = 0 we have , where Δ r is the radial part of the Laplace operator defined in (7.1), p. 78. We can easily find the basis for the set Uk,p .
Exercise 8.13
- 1.
Prove that all radially symmetric polyharmonic functions in the annulus in ℝ2 are linear combinations of the system of functions
- 2.
Prove that every radially symmetric polyharmonic function h(x) of order p in the ball B(0; R) admits the representation
- 3.
Prove that every radially symmetric polyharmonic function h(x) of order p in the annulus Aa,b admits the representation
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Differential Equations, Ordinary
Anthony N. Michel , in Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology (Third Edition), 2003
IV.D Linear nth-Order Ordinary Differential Equations
We conclude this section by considering some of the more important aspects of linear nth-order ordinary differential equations. We shall consider equations of the form,
In Eqs. (70) and (71) the functions a k (t) and b(t), k = 1, …, n −1, are continuous on some appropriate time interval J. If we define the differential operator L n by:
then we can rewrite Eqs. (70) and (71) more compactly as
respectively. We can rewrite Eq. (72) similarly by defining a differential operator L in the obvious way.
Following the procedure in Section II, we can reduce the study of Eq. (71) to the study of the system of n first-order ordinary differential equations,
where A(t) is the companion matrix given by:
Since A(t) is continuous on J, we know from Section III that there exists a unique solution ϕ(t), for all t ∈ J, to the initial-value problem,
where ξ = (ξ1, …,ξ n )T ∈ R n . The first component of this solution is a solution of L n y = 0 satisfying y(τ) = ξ1, y′(τ) = ξ2, …, y (n−1)(τ) = ξ n .
Now let ϕ1, …,ϕ n be n solutions of Eq. (75). Then we can easily show that the matrix,
is a solution of the matrix equation,
where A(t) is defined by Eq. (76). We call the determinant of Φ the Wronskian for Eq. (75) with respect to the solutions ϕ1, …,ϕ n and we denote it by:
Note that W(ϕ1, …,ϕ n )(t) depends on t ∈ J. Since Φ is a solution of matrix equation (77), then by Abel's formula it follows that for any τ ∈ J and for any t ∈ J,
As an example, consider the second-order differential equation
which can be written equivalently as:
The functions ϕ1(t = t and ϕ2(t) = 1/t are clearly solutions of Eq. (79). We now form the matrix,
which yields the Wronskian
In the notation of Eq. (76) we have a 1(t) = 1/t, a 0(t) = − 1/t 2, and thus a 1(s) = 1/s. In view of Eq. (78), we have for any τ > 0,
as expected.
Similarly as in the case of systems of equations, we can prove the following result for nth-order differential equations:
A set of n solutions of Eq. (75), ϕ1, …,ϕ n , is linearly independent on J if and only if W(ϕ1, …,ϕ n )(t) ≠ 0 for all t ∈ J. Moreover, every solution of Eq. (75) is a linear combination of any set of n linearly independent solutions.
The above result enables us to make the following definition:
A set of n linearly independent solutions of Eq. (75) on j,ϕ1, …,ϕ n , is called a fundamental set of solutions for Eq. (75).
Next, we turn our attention to nonhomogeneous linear nth-order ordinary differential equations of the form (70). As shown in Section II, the study of Eq. (70) reduces to the study of the system of n first-order ordinary differential equations,
where A(t) is given by Eq. (76) and g(t) = [0, …, 0, b(t)]T. Recall that for given τ ∈ J and given x(τ) = ξ ∈ R n , Eq. (80) has a unique solution given by ϕ = ϕh + ϕp, where ϕ h (t) = Φ(t, τ)ξ is a solution of (LH), ϕ(t, τ) denotes the state transition matrix of A(t), and ϕp is a particular solution of Eq. (80), given by:
We now specialize this result from the n-dimensional system (80) to the corresponding nth-order equation (70) to obtain the following result:
If {ϕ1, …,ϕ n } is a fundamental set for the equation L n y = 0, then the unique solution ψ of the equation L n y = b(t) satisfying ψ(τ) = ξ1, …,ψ(n−1)(τ) = ξ n is given by:
Here, ψh is the solution of L n y = 0 such that ψ(τ) = ξ1, ψ′(τ) = ξ2, …,ψ(n−1)(τ) = ξ n , and W k (ϕ1, …,ϕ n )(t) is obtained from W(ϕ1, …,ϕ n )(t) by replacing the kth column in W(ϕ1, …,ϕ n )(t) by (0, …,0,1)T.
We apply the above example to the second-order differential equation,
where b(t) is a real continuous function for all t > 0. From the example involving Eq. (79) we have ϕ1(t) = t, ϕ2(t) = 1/t, and W(ϕ1,ϕ2)(t) = −2/t, t > 0. Also,
From Eq. (81) we now have
Next, we consider nth-order ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients given by Eq. (72) which can equivalently be written as L n y = 0, where
We assume that J = (−∞, ∞), we call
the characteristic polynomial of the differential equation (72), and we call
the characteristic equation of Eq. (72). The roots of p(λ) are called the characteristic roots of Eq. (72).
We see that the study of Eq. (72) reduces to the study of the system of first-order ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients given by x′ = Ax, where
The following result, which is proved in a straightforward manner, connects Eq. (72) and x′ = Ax with A given by Eq. (84):
The characteristic polynomial of A in Eq. (83) is precisely the characteristic polynomial p(λ) given by Eq. 82), that is,
The next result enumerates a fundamental set for Eq. (72):
Let λ1, …,λ s be the distinct roots of the characteristic equation (83) and suppose that λ i has multiplicity m i , i = 1, …,s, with Σ s i=1 m i = n. Then the following set of functions is a fundamental set for Eq.(72):
As a specific example, consider:
Then, n = 9, and {e 2t , e −3t , te −3t , e −it , e +it , e 4t , te 4t , t 2 e 4t , t 3 e 4t } is a fundamental set for the differential equation corresponding to the characteristic equation (86).
We conclude this section by considering adjoint equations. Corresponding to the operator L n given in Eq. (73), we define a second linear operator L n + of order n, which we call the adjoint of L n , as follows. The domain of L n + is the set of all continuous functions defined on J such that has j continuous derivatives on J. (Here, denotes the complex conjugate of a j (t).) For each function y, define:
The equation,
is called the adjoint equation to L n y = 0.
When Eq. (75) is written in companion form (LH) with A(t) given by Eq. (76), then the adjoint system is z′ = −A *(t)z, where
This adjoint system can be written in component form as:
If ψ = [ψ1,ψ2, …,ψ n ]T is a solution of Eq. (87) and if a j ψ n has j derivatives, then
Continuing in this manner, we see that ψ n solves L + n ψ = 0.
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Find a Fundamental Solution to an Ivp